
基督教社会联盟DH faculty are our partners in achieving student success and career readiness behaviors in and out of the classroom. Our 职业中心 team can support your classroom curriculum and engagement with career readiness tools, 研讨会, 技能发展策略.

Below are ways the 职业中心 can partner with you in achieving student success.


Our Career Coaches are available to conduct classroom presentations and 研讨会 for your students, 涵盖各种主题, 比如技能和力量的发展, 以及与课程内容相关的主题. 如欲申请演讲,请填写 Torolink上的演讲申请表. Popular topics include resumes, job 搜索 strategies, interview preparation, and networking. Specific career 研讨会 can also be presented by selected industry community representatives related to your course content.

如果你不能利用一个小时的演讲, please consider a brief 10 to 15-minute presentation to your class on resources at the 职业中心.

Please give us at least three (3) weeks' notice and submit the 在Torolink上填写表格 要求做一次课堂展示. If you are looking for a representative from the industry community, 请提前(4-6)周通知我们, as our employers have impacted schedule that solicits time for planning and scheduling.

发布校园招聘 & 实习

你有研究职位吗, 部门学生助理工作, 实习(自愿或带薪), 或者其他在校生的工作? Opportunities can be advertised on 基督教社会联盟DH Handshake, the online posting site for employers seeking 基督教社会联盟DH students, 校内和校外. 这项服务是免费的,而且很容易获得, and we are happy to walk you or your student through the process of navigating Handshake.

Contact Ingrid Shipp, Administrative Support Coordinator, for more information ishipp@novimedspecialistclinic.com or careercenter@novimedspecialistclinic.com,或致电(310)243-3625.


作为教职员工, you may occasionally come in contact with students who display unusual or worrisome behavior, or may share with you personal information about which you do not feel qualified to address. 在这种情况下, especially if the behavior is impairing the student's performance or the performance of others, 或者有一个戏剧性的行为变化, you may want to initiate a discussion about counseling with them. 会议期间:

  • 注意你所关心的行为.
  • 要实事求是,尊重和直接. Don't minimize your concerns or try to deceive students into talking with a counselor.
  • 把最后的决定权留给学生. With the exception of an emergency, a student has the right to refuse a referral.

你可能需要咨询 Dr. 蒂芙尼赫伯特, Interim Director of Student Psychological Services, at (310) 243-3818, 在与学生见面之前. They or a member of their staffs can listen to your concerns and recommend methods for addressing issues with the students.


心理医生位于学生健康处 & Psychological Services, located between Welch Hall and the University Theater. 对服务的需求很高, and there is sometimes a waiting list for students seeking psychological counseling. If you are concerned that a student poses a danger to themselves or to others, 拨打911或校园警察局.


  • All psychological counseling services are free to currently enrolled students.
  • Therapists are available to see students Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. 至下午5时.m.


在和学生讨论了情况之后, you can refer them to either the 职业中心 or the Student Psychological Services unit in one of the following ways:

  • Suggest the referral and leave it up to the student to make an appointment.
  • 致电学生心理服务, x3818, to inform the staff that the student will be contacting them or coming in.
  • Walk the student over to Psychological Services in the 健康 Center, Room A 141.

机密性: The client-counselor relationship is confidential, except in those few circumstances where the law requires disclosure of confidential information. (e.g. 伤害他人、虐待儿童等.). Only upon the individual's written request will any information be released to other people or agencies about participation in psychological counseling. This means that the counseling staff cannot confirm if the student has come in for counseling or inform you about the student's case. 然而, you are encouraged to ask the student if they have gone to see a counselor and to ask how it is going. This will show a continued concern and interest on your part, 并且通常受到学生的欢迎.

For further information about counseling services, call Student 健康 & 心理服务,电话:(310)243-3818.


The following are some warning signals which may indicate that psychological counseling would be appropriate. Use your best judgment to determine if intervention is necessary or would be helpful.

  • 体重急剧变化.
  • Extreme guilt or self-blame for present or past events.
  • 频繁哭泣.
  • Sleep difficulties; unexplained physical problems.
References to Suicide - Any direct reference to suicide is cause for immediate referral to counseling.
  • Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and/or worthlessness.
  • Preoccupation with death; giving away valued possessions or talking of doing so.
  • 自杀的念头、威胁或计划.
  • Withdrawal from usual social interactions and activities.
  • 怀疑和被迫害的感觉.
  • Inappropriate or bizarre conversations; talking to self.
  • Frequent outbursts of anger, crying or aggressiveness; extreme agitation.
  • Signs of eating disorders: talk of binging, vomiting, or secretive eating.
  • Difficulty in coping with the death or serious illness of a family member or close friend.
  • 难以处理人际关系问题. Severe self-esteem problems; extreme shyness.
  • Talk or evidence of sexual or physical abuse (childhood or recent attacks).
Academic Changes That May Indicate Other Emotional Problems
  • 学业成绩急剧下降.
  • Dropping several classes; talk of dropping out of school.
  • Exaggerated reactions to poor grades (excessive crying, hysteria, anger).
